Jul 1Liked by Kristina Nasti

"I’m embarrassed I wasn’t skinny for my wedding." Girl, SAME. I get a wave of shame every time I see someone post about "sweating for the wedding" or whatever. I remind myself that we are more interesting, and add more value to the world, than our size or how we looked on one day in one dress. But, I really get it. Lots of hugs!

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"sweating for the wedding" makes me wanna pluck out my eyelashes one by one 🙃 Thank you for your words and virtual hugs to you!!

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I feel this on sooooo many levels!! I agonized for six hours last week before ordering Chinese food for dinner (mind you I got tofu, broccoli and white rice!). The damage done to us back then never goes away. Sending you love <3

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Ugh sending it right back! Yearning for the day where we’re neutral about food

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