Jul 27Liked by Kristina Nasti

Militarized Jason S. is such a hot type 🥵 Moving on 😂 Love all of this so much!!! YES to living your own truth and not following "rules", ew. I definitely have a type (cough Jason Mamoa cough hey another Jason lol), but at the end of the day, I'm looking for that person I feel hella attracted to and magical connection, and if that comes in the form of "not my type", so be it. 💖

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Jul 27Liked by Kristina Nasti

Ugh i love this whole take 🥺 I definitely have a type, I don’t think it’s strict strict but i can see what you’re saying here as it being a type of unavailability too

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I love you! I’m happy it resonated 🩷🩷🩷

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Jul 27Liked by Kristina Nasti

This is so true! The dating coaches on TikTok make love seem difficult and like it's some sort of game. And the advice is true, don't listen to people who don't have the life you want.

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Yeah I can’t think of anything worse than turning the most sacred relationship into a game!!

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I couldn't agree more. No to dating apps, yes to keeping an open mind. And if you have a pattern of going for unavailable people, you might need to do some work on yourself. I talked about this in my last episode because it's something I really had to do to get anywhere.

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